wherewework sierraleone

We have been working in Sierra Leone since 2018, equipping nonprofits to train influential religious leaders and teachers as child advocates who reduce harmful beliefs about disability and improve the lives of families impacted by disability.


Mobilizing Sierra Leone Nonprofits to Support People with Disabilities

In Sierra Leone, most families contact religious leaders for support when a child with a disability is born. Many of these leaders believe curses cause disability and advise families to use prayers, exorcisms, and healing rituals instead of medical care. Fortunately, most of those who complete Kupenda’s Disability Training change their practices and begin to help families understand the biological causes of disability and access life-saving services for their children.

Although Sierra Leone has 6 national policies that support people with disabilities, challenges remain in terms of effective implementation. As a result, most people with disabilities in Sierra Leone are unable to access the healthcare and education they need. They also experience high rates of unemployment and social exclusion due to stigma and discrimination.

We are working to change this.

In the past 6 years…

What we have accomplished

In 2018, Kupenda’s technical team visited 3 nonprofits in Sierra Leone (World Hope International (WHI), EduNations and The International Theological Education Network ) and helped them to conduct a disability needs assessment and co-facilitate our Disability Outreach and Inclusion Workshops 47 pastors and teachers. These trainees became powerful disability advocates in their communities – training their pastor colleagues, giving disability sensitization talks to thousands, registering people with disabilities for national services, referring caregivers to support groups, and providing food, clothing, transportation, and counseling services to families impacted by disability.

WHI was so inspired to see these trainees improving the lives of hundreds of families and sensitizing thousands of community members about disability justice that they decided to expand the implementation of Kupenda’s training work through their Enable the Children (ETC) program. To date, ETC has held trainings for 228 pastors, traditional healers, Muslim leaders, and other religious leaders and plan to hold more in the coming years. They have even begun expanding their trainings to include local leaders in Liberia. READ MORE

“Families often take children to traditional healers, particularly those with congenital disabilities, such as amputees. Some healers actually worsen the child’s disability,” said Anna Vines, ETC’s Program Director.

“[In response], we provide training to different leaders in their community: the chiefs, headmen, pastors, imams, as well as the family of the child.

We try and break the myths and beliefs they have held for years about the causes of disability.”


TOGETHER, we can reduce harmful beliefs about disability and improve the lives of our world’s most vulnerable children. JOIN US!

A woman in a colorful headscarf and dress smiling with a child in front of her, both looking happy. Kenya written on the screen
A smiling woman and child in a public gathering, representing Kupenda’s work in Malawi.
A smiling young girl with short hair wearing a white tank top, standing in front of an orange mud wall writing Tanzania on the image
A man in a green patterned shirt holds a large piece of paper, while others look on in a learning environment.
A boy sitting in a wheelchair wearing a pink and white shirt, looking directly at the camera.
A woman wearing a blue and white patterned headscarf holding a child wrapped in a blue blanket, labeled "Global."