Improving the lives of children with disabilities
Improving the lives of children with disabilities
Improving the lives of children with disabilities

What We Do


There are 580 million children with disabilities and 80% live in developing nations. Most of these children are neglected, abused, and excluded from community life.

Each year, Kupenda trains thousands of families, youth, and leaders as disability advocates. These advocates then help 70,000 children with disabilities access the education, medical care, and inclusion they deserve.

adults teaching

Advocacy Programs

children in green

Education Programs

child sitting

Medical Programs

How Is Kupenda Different?

We Don’t Ship Supplies Oversees

We support the local economy by sourcing supplies within the countries we work.

We Don’t Exclude

As a Christian organization, we strive to be like Jesus, and so we serve all people, no matter their religion or beliefs.

We Don’t Fundraise Alone

Our Kenyan partners raise 10-30% of our program costs each year through local fundraisers and campaigns.

We Don’t Lead Alone

Our partner organization in Kenya is run by local professionals who tailor programs and service delivery for their culture, in their language, and according to existing needs and realities.

We Don’t Lecture

Our training and events are designed around discussions and exercises that allow participants to learn from one another. They then craft time-bound plans that are tailored to their local context and driven by their personal conviction.

What Else Can I Do To Help?

Recent News and Stories

Introducing Kupenda’s Child Scholarship Program!

This month, Kupenda introduced its Child Scholarship Program. While the nature of this program remains the same as it did under the former Child Sponsorship Program, we believe that this new title better reflects that we are partners with the children in our programs and that, in the communities we work in, schools are often…

Kupenda Contributes to UNICEF New Disability Toolkit

Kupenda’s technical team was recently invited to provide feedback on UNICEF’s new toolkit for Addressing Stigma and Discrimination toward Children and Youth with Disabilities through Social and Behavior Change (SBC). Our CEO, Kenyan director, and development director worked closely with global disability and SBC experts to review three modules of the toolkit and provide feedback,…

A Father’s Hope

When Emmanuel was born, his parents and birth attendant were overwhelmed because they were unfamiliar with his disability. Emmanuel was born with phocomelia, a rare congenital anomaly that caused both his upper limbs and his lower right leg to stop developing. Complicating matters, his family felt rejected by their community. As in many low- and…