A New Year and Another Trip to Kenya!

by Kupenda

An adult woman and a Kenyan male sitting beneath a tree.

Dear friends,

Another year has come and gone.  I am grateful for all of you and the amazing things happening for children with disabilities in Kenya.  I’ll be in Kenya January 2nd through the 17th.  If the airport isn’t on fire this time it will be a plus!  However, prayers are appreciated as there is supposed to be some heavy snow in Boston around the time we are supposed to fly out of Logan and this is the first trip I’ve taken since the terrorist attacks in Nairobi.  In spite of the potential issues, I feel at peace about the trip and think good things are on the way.  Carissa Mortenson, disability minister and Kupenda treasurer, will be coming with me.  You can read more about her here

On this trip, we will be packing in a lot in a short time.  We’ll be sharing about disability with several different groups of government officers, nonprofits, churches, parents and schools.  The idea is to build more awareness, partnerships, and resources to better serve children with disabilities within Kenya.  I’ll be playing my guitar at most of the events.  While in the Malindi area, we’ll also be following up with the autism support group and members of the classes Carissa, Eric and I taught last January.  Additionally, we’re hoping to make final decisions about the vehicle we hope to purchase.  Thank you for your donations to the vehicle so far. We are a quarter of the way there.

We are also excited to visit Lamu and Nairobi at the end of our trip.  Anthony Joma Maina, the first person we sent to college, is now Bahari County Ward Counsellor in Lamu which is an important elected political position who is written about here.  After Lamu, we’ll spend a little time in Nairobi meeting with a few other nonprofit groups that work with children with disabilities.  This includes a group that does mobile physical therapy in the slums. 

One of the things I’m most looking forward to on this trip is presenting my friend Joyce’s family with their own copy of the Kupenda book “An Unlikely Gift.”  For those who don’t know, she is the girl on the cover who was born without her left hand like me.  Her birth and how it impacted me is written about in the book.  If you haven’t had a chance to read Lauren Blair’s book about Kupenda please pick up your copy here today.  We’d also love to hear your feedback on the “An Unlikely Gift Facebook Page”. 

As always, we appreciate your prayers, encouragement and support for these beautiful children in Kenya.  

With much love and appreciation,


Cynthia Bauer
Kupenda for the Children

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