Disability Advocacy

Kupenda Contributes to UNICEF New Disability Toolkit

by Jessica Charles Abrams

Kupenda’s technical team was recently invited to provide feedback on UNICEF’s new toolkit for Addressing Stigma and Discrimination toward Children and Youth with Disabilities through Social and Behavior Change (SBC). Our CEO, Kenyan director, and development director worked closely with global disability and SBC experts to review three modules of the toolkit and provide feedback,…

Praise from a Long-Time Foundation Friend and Partner

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on May 22, 2024

Last month, Kupenda hosted a house party where our supporters heard updates about Kupenda, learned about upcoming opportunities, and enjoyed a meal together! Sheila Leddy, a friend and program partner at Imago Dei Fund, shared the following about why the fund has supported Kupenda for the past several years: . “I have had the enormous privilege of actually seeing the…

Kupenda’s Disability Guidebook: Supporting Communities to Better Understand Disabilities

by Lauren Blair

  • Posted on May 3, 2024

In low- and middle-income countries around the world, people with disabilities are often neglected, abandoned, abused, or even murdered due to the belief that a person with a disability has been cursed by God or witchcraft. In response to this negative stigma, Kupenda utilizes a number of tools to educate communities about disability and what…

A girl smiling and seated outside in a wheelchair, wearing a brown checkered shirt.

Creating Possibilities: Living a Life of Achievement with Cerebral Palsy

by Lauren Blair

  • Posted on March 19, 2024

Many years ago, while volunteering in a classroom at the Gede Special School in Kenya, a particular student’s smile always stood out to me. Gladys was a little girl with cerebral palsy, a developmental disability that affected her movement, posture, and coordination. Her demeanor was warm but unassuming. At home, her parents would often comment…

Bernard Mwamyue Infograph

Honoring a Leader in the Disability Community

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on March 4, 2024

Last month, Kupenda’s Kenyan staff mourned the loss of Bernard Mwamuye, a passionate teacher and prominent disability advocate in Kilifi County, Kenya. Bernard was an officer at the Education Assessment and Research Center (EARC), which helps identify the nature and severity of children’s disabilities in order to best meet their educational needs. Bernard also collaborated…

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