Christmas Eve

by Kupenda

Four Kenyan boys enjoying a snack.

I haven’t written a blog for a while for a couple of reasons. The first is I just have had so many things that seem like they should be prioritized over this.  The second is that I’m not sure whether or not people read this and it’s worthwhile.  However, I figured I’d give it another try.  Being Christmas eve I finally have a chance to work on the last papers for my class with Joni and Friends before I teach the class in Kenya in January (nothing like the last minute).   The paper I’m writing is an exegesis on Mathew 11:1-6 where John asks Jesus if he is truly the one he has been waiting for or if he should wait for another.  Jesus responds to his question by telling him that the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.  I thought this was a painfully beautiful picture of our hope. 

This Christmas isn’t exactly how I’d hoped it would be, but when I cry out to God about the suffering around and in me I’m reminded of what God is doing with these special kids in Kenya.  John was in prison and instead of rescuing him; Christ sends a message to him about his work with the least of these.  He doesn’t tell him it will be okay and that he will get out of his situation…but somehow it is enough.

Christmas can be an amazing time for some but for others, it is a time to be reminded of what they don’t have.  The work of the Messiah was not what John expected but it was what was supposed to be.  This Christmas may you be reminded that Jesus was expected to come with glory and honor fitting of a king…yet he was born of a teenage mom in a feeding trough.  If you are currently feeling like you’re in a stable (not the cute nativity scenes but the smelly faeces filled area where Mary gave natural childbirth) keep in mind that Jesus is bigger than whatever you are dealing with and whatever you suffer he suffers as well.    

Whether your Christmas is full of love and family this year or you are working, or find yourself still without the family you’ve longed for or have an empty seat at the dinner table this year… remember that there is more to the story.  Whatever you are dealing with, remember it isn’t necessarily the whole story.  We celebrate a humble beginning but an amazingly glorious hope that I get to have a peek at in the kids we serve in Kenya.  When things get tough, I can close my eyes and see the kids we serve, and it makes things a little better.  Knowing we get to participate in the kind of ministry Christ did while on earth is healing.    

Please be part of this joy by joining our Christmas campaign and give a gift that will provide for those that Christ called us to serve.   

Wherever you are and whatever your circumstance I hope you are blessed by the reminder that Jesus came for ALL people.

In Him,

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