Kupenda Joins the International Disability and Development Consortium!

by Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda Founder and Executive Director

A female speaker standing at a podium and talking to an audience.

Last week I had the opportunity to represent Kupenda for the Children at the General Assembly of the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) in Brussels, Belgium.

IDDC “is a grouping of civil society organizations coming together around a common objective: promoting inclusive international development and humanitarian action with a special focus on the full and effective enjoyment of human rights by all people with disabilities.”

This consortium represents 35 organizations improving the lives of millions of people with disabilities.

What We’re Learning

This was the first time Kupenda attended the meeting in person, and it was also the first time in three years that the other IDDC members convened in person due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Kupenda joined this group of global disability influencers about two years ago. In this short time, we have found IDDC to be helpful in keeping us up-to-date on international disability policies and programs around the world.

What We’re Contributing

Today, we are also collaborating with other IDDC members to implement our work with community leaders to better serve children with disabilities. These organizations have seen that our unique one-day Disability Trainings for Local Leaders have changed the stigma that so many people with disabilities face, and they are interested in learning more.

Where We’re Headed

It was so refreshing to talk to people with and without disabilities who were all focused on making a better world for people impacted by disabilities, especially those in low-income countries. With more than 1 billion people impacted by disabilities around the world, there is plenty of work for us all.

Being a part of the IDDC helps us to see how much more we can do together than as individual organizations. I’m grateful to be even a small part of the amazing work.

Want to keep updated on Kupenda’s work?

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If you’re interested in supporting one of the many children we serve, head over to our sponsorship page to learn about how you can make a difference for just $30 / month.

You can also help children with disabilities stay safe and healthy during COVID-19 by donating here.

About the Authors

Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda Founder and Executive Director
Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda Founder and Executive Director

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