Remembering John on World Malaria Day

by Kupenda

Malaria causes disabilities like cerebral palsy on the coast of Kenya where Kupenda’s work is focused. Much progress has been made in reducing the number of people contracting this horrible infection, but children continue to be disabled and die from malaria every day.

On World Malaria Day we mourn the loss of John Malanga who died this month related to cerebral palsy as a result of a malaria infection he contracted as a baby. He was just nine years old.

Because of the support of his Kupenda sponsor he was getting therapy services at school and enjoying time around other kids. His mother had abandoned him when he became disabled but in the last year she became involved in his care, through the counseling she received through Kupenda.

Although his life was short, he died knowing the love of his mother. There is peace in knowing we had some small part in that reunion, as we sorrowfully reflect on the short life of this sweet boy.

We know many children with disabilities caused by malaria who are now thriving and many more who will not be disabled because of the education and medicine available to combat this disease through Kupenda and our partners. We know kids are being saved every day. But this month we are reminded of how deadly malaria continues to be.

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