Climbing Mountains as the Year Ends… Metaphorically and Literally!

by Kupenda

A teenage male seated on a rock overlooking a mountain, has a hiking backpack behind him.

“Your righteousness is like the highest mountains.”  ~ Psalm 36:6

Dear Friends,

Picture what it is like not having access to food or clean water.  Imagine being shunned by your own family.  Think about your community viewing your very existence as a curse from God.  If you can envision it, you may have a glimpse of what it is like for many children with disabilities in the developing world.

Thousands of children, for whom this picture is a reality, are meeting their full potential and experiencing true love and acceptance… because of you!  In the last few years, we have strategically focused our efforts on empowering local leaders to change cultural beliefs about disabilities in Kenya and Tanzania.  Last year our efforts resulted in disability awareness to over 100,000 community members, and over 10,000 children with disabilities!  Three of these children will go beyond what they could have imagined for themselves. In January 2016, they will summit the highest mountain in Africa… Mount Kilimanjaro!

These students are already local celebrities in their communities and will be featured in a documentary about Kupenda and the Kilimanjaro climb (December 29th to January 7th). View the promo video here!

There is so much to be grateful for this year but there are still so many more children, with disabilities, still locked in dark rooms, chained to trees, beaten, abandoned, and without hope.  If we can change the attitudes of their communities, these lives will dramatically improve…like our Kilimanjaro climbers.

Will you help us increase the number of lives impacted next year by contributing less than the cost of a grande café latte? $3 a day ($90 a month) could literally save lives!  Sign up for monthly contributions or give an end of year gift online.  You can also send checks to “Kupenda for the Children” PO Box 473 Hampton, NH 03843.

Your contribution will continue to change the cultural perception of disability in Kenya and Tanzania, rescuing children with disabilities from the kind of hunger, neglect, and abuse that most of us cannot even imagine. They will have renewed hope, value, access to healthcare and education, and love like they’ve never known.  Few will climb Mount Kilimanjaro, but each child will overcome their own unique mountain…. because of you!

With much love and gratitude,

Cynthia Bauer
Kupenda for the Children
PO Box 473 Hampton NH 03843
[email protected]g

 Want to keep updated with the work we do? You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and our blog to learn more about who we are and what we’re up to.

If you’re interested in supporting one of the many children we serve, head over to our sponsorship page to learn about how you can make a difference.

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