Kupenda Loves these Moms!

by Kupenda

A Kenyan mother holding a child wearing a green top.

Yesterday Kupenda’s founder, Cynthia Bauer, presented about the organization’s disability advocacy work to 45 women at two Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) groups. At the end of the second presentation, the groups’ leader, Jana Hemmerly-Brown, reflected on the day saying:

“This is so amazing… I was just sitting here remembering that the MOPs themes for 2018 are 

Be gutsy

Go first, and

Let love be the loudest voice. 

And that’s exactly what Cindy and Kupenda are all about!'”

For more than 4 hours, Jana and the other “gutsy, loving” MOPs ladies stood alongside us in exploring disability justice issues and brainstorming ways they could get involved in Kupenda’s mission and teach their children about compassionate global awareness. 

At the end of the morning session the ladies wrote Mother’s Day cards to other mothers in Kenya whose children are living with disabilities.  Many of them also signed up to learn more about our child sponsorship and volunteer programs.

What an honor to meet these intelligent, compassionate ladies! We’re excited to see them again at our Shea’s Fundraiser on March 8 and Spring Celebration on April 28 and to start sharing Kupenda’s stories with their families, schools, churches, and communities!


Are you or your children part of a group that might be interested in learning more about Kupenda by inviting Cindy to give a presentation or coming to one of our fun events? If so, email us at [email protected] to learn more!

Want to keep updated with Kupenda and Kuhenza’s work? You can follow them on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And please also sign up for their monthly newsletter and updates here

If you’re interested in supporting one of the many children they serve, head over to their sponsorship page to learn about how you can make a difference for just $30 / month.

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