Disability Advocacy

Cynthia Bauer smiling, surrounded by a group of smiling young boys.

Recent Kenya Trip – A Reminder of Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going

by Kupenda

  • Posted on July 14, 2015

Dear friends, I’m back from a very full trip to Kenya.  It was emotional and beautiful to be showered with love and condolences from the wonderful children and teachers I haven’t seen for 1 ½ years.  I often feel undeserving of it all.  When I get to see them it is such a blessing but…

An American woman holding a container above her head standing beside a young child who also has a container

Smiling in the Rain… Hanging with My Friend, Joyce

by Kupenda

  • Posted on July 2, 2015

Yesterday we visited my friend Joyce and the Gede School had a big day of appreciation for Kupenda.  It included a special poem in honor of my dad.  I think it is somewhat fitting these two activities happened on the same day.  My friend Patty will write about the emotional ceremony in the next few…

14 adults standing outside of a building, smiling at the camera

Successful Meeting with Local Healers, Pastors, and Healthcare Professionals

by Kupenda

  • Posted on June 30, 2015

Today we had the much-anticipated meeting with local traditional healers, pastors, and healthcare professionals.  We all opened with prayer and the discussion was respectful and nonstop from thereon.  No one wanted to break for lunch as everyone was so involved with the conversation.  It lasted from 9 am to 4 pm without any breaks and…

An adult woman standing outside, smiling a baby girl that she is holding.

Reflections from Patty Prasada-Rao, on the Message of Kupenda Heard in a Small Church in Kenya today

by Kupenda

  • Posted on June 28, 2015

“Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.” ~ Luke 14:21   I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down my face.  Why?  I’ve heard the Kupenda story over and over again and have told it myself countless times.  But…

A woman standing in the middle a group of smiling young boys all holding up the sign-language gesture for "I love you".

Brokenness Laced With Beauty

by Kupenda

  • Posted on June 27, 2015

Patty and I made it to the coast of Kenya at last!  Soon after our arrival late this morning, Leonard took us to visit two families impacted by tragedy this month.  The parents caught us up on the most recent legal proceedings against the two men accused of raping the sponsored child attacked at the…

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