Introducing Kupenda’s Child Scholarship Program!

by Lauren Blair, Sandra Bauer

kids in classroom

This month, Kupenda introduced its Child Scholarship Program. While the nature of this program remains the same as it did under the former Child Sponsorship Program, we believe that this new title better reflects that we are partners with the children in our programs and that, in the communities we work in, schools are often the access point to receiving other critical support services they need to thrive. This includes services such as much-needed medical care, counseling, transportation, nutritional support, and career support. This is critically important in a global environment where 98% of children with disabilities worldwide still do not attend school and soaring inflation continues to impact families’ ability to meet basic needs.

Through this program, we have witnessed children who were once hidden now embracing a number of opportunities that once seemed unimaginable. Many of the students have gone on to pursue careers as teachers, carpenters, hairstylists, and social workers.  More importantly, these young people have returned to the communities that once rejected them to ensure others with disabilities are experiencing the loving inclusion they have experienced!

Testimonies of Success

With the help of supporters like you, children like Sharon, Nassir, and Margaret are no longer isolated but embracing opportunity!

Sharon was once abused by her community because they did not understand her disability. As a result of a scholarship and her own determination, Sharon is now enrolled in school, receiving counseling, and taking medication for her seizures. In addition, her family and community have participated in Kupenda’s training programs and deepened their understanding of disability. Today they respond to her with love and report that Sharon has grown in her confidence and abilities!


Nassir’s family did not have the means to send him to a school that could meet his needs with cerebral palsy. When a Kupenda supporter partnered with his family, however, he was able to receive an education, medical care, and counseling about his rights. Due to his persistence, Nassir has finished high school and is pursuing a career. As a result of his time spent with children who are deaf at his former school, he would like to become a sign language interpreter!


Margaret’s family did not have the means to support their daughter to receive an education that could accommodate her brittle bone disease. With the help of a Kupenda supporter and her own hard work, Margaret is now enrolled in school where she is thriving and has many friends. She is able to be mobile with the assistance of a wheelchair and enjoys competing nationally in singing competitions!


Would you or someone you know consider investing in the life of a child with a disability? For just $35 per month, you can also equip a child to reach their God-given potential. Thank you for partnering with the communities we serve to testify to the value of every individual!

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