National Cancer Survivors Day: Positive Updates From Leonard Mbonani

by Rebecca Heidorn

Leonard Mbonani

June 6th marks National Cancer Survivors Day, a day which creates space for celebrating those who have survived cancer and inspiring those who continue in their fight with the disease. This day leads us to reflect on the cancer journey of Leonard Mbonani, Kupenda’s co-founder and Kenya director.

In 2016, Leonard was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s follicular lymphoma. Although his early years of treatment were successful, he had a severe relapse in late 2021 that kept him out of work for several months. In early 2022, Leonard began to recover and, by the end of the year, he received scans that showed no evidence of disease.

Although he has remained in remission since receiving these scans, Leonard recently had an appointment at Dana Farber Cancer Institute to review more recent images and discuss appropriate courses of treatment.

The results of the appointment were incredibly positive. The doctors described that the flare-up he had in 2021 was large cell lymphoma, which was quite aggressive. However, because it has been over a year since this relapse, it is unlikely to return. They continue to treat and monitor his health based on the original diagnosis of follicular lymphoma.

Leonard is incredibly grateful for and relieved by the positive results. In his own words,

“I really appreciate everyone’s prayers during the time I was sick. I also appreciate the financial support that enabled me to get treatment at one of the best hospitals in Kenya. I want to thank our supporters, specifically Cindy, who arranged for me to meet with the specialist at Dana Farber. In a nutshell, I want to say thank you to our supporters for being so kind and so concerned with my health. It gives me another chance to help the children back home. “

We are appreciative of your continued prayers and support as Leonard, his family, and his staff continue to navigate this journey.

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