public health

Two Kenyan children smile at school in Gede

Results from Kupenda’s Life-Saving Covid-19 Emergency Response Interventions

by mmcmurray

  • Posted on March 24, 2021

By, Madeleine McMurray 2020 was a universally difficult year, and the world’s most vulnerable children – those impacted by disabilities – were also those who faced the greatest impact and potential for further harm. The UN’s Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has urged global leaders and governments to “place people with disabilities at the center of COVID-19…

Kupenda’s New Mobile App Supports COVID-19 Screening and Home-Based Care

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 18, 2020

In partnership with our Kenya-based field team (Kuhenza for the Children), Boston University School of Public Health, Dimagi and Sabrams Consulting LLC Kupenda is developing a mobile application to support community-based care and Covid-19 screening, care referrals, and prevention for children with disabilities and their families. This app contains the following features: Child Progress Tracking:…

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