Disability Advocacy

Five children hugging each other and smiling.

DFID Part 1: The Gift inside this Grant

by Kupenda

  • Posted on November 13, 2017

This year, on July 5, the Kupenda team celebrated an unexpected victory: we won the 7th Innovation Challenge of the Amplify program, a partnership between the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), IDEO.org, and OpenIDEO! This was exciting for several reasons: We were 1 of just 6 organizations to receive this grant among 489 applicants,…

Four Kenyan children standing together and smiling.

Celebrating Special Olympics Coach & Special Education Teacher, Oripa Kwezuma, on World Teacher’s Day

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 5, 2017

Oripa Kwezuma is a 43-year-old Kenyan special education teacher and Special Olympics coach who works at Sir Ali Special School. For more than a decade, Kupenda has supported Ms. Kwezuma through job placement, salary support, special education trainings and individual counseling.  On World Teacher’s Day (October 5), we’d like to share an interview we conducted…

22 children in blue school uniforms standing around a small white banner.

What Makes Kupenda Different: First-Year Reflections from our Development Director

by Kupenda

  • Posted on September 14, 2017

Dear Friends, My first year working with Kupenda has been predictably fun, challenging and inspiring, but has also been unpredictable in many ways. After 15 years working in global development – for small and big organizations, on private and government projects, in the U.S. and abroad – I thought I’d seen it all. But this…

A black and white photo of Mother Tereas

10 Ways to Remember Mother Teresa & Commemorate International Day of Charity

by Kupenda

  • Posted on September 8, 2017

“It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.” – Mother Teresa This week, the United Nations is celebrating International Day of Charity, which commemorates the anniversary of the passing away of…

A large group of school children holding a banner that reads "Disability Awareness Day"

Remembering our Students’ Successful Road Block Protest on International Youth Day

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 11, 2017

Tomorrow, August 12, marks International Youth Day, which this year, the UN has dedicated to: “Celebrating young people’s contributions to conflict prevention and transformation as well as inclusion, social justice, and sustainable peace.” Despite the violence we’ve seen this week in the wake of Kenya’s national elections, we are proud to see that the children…

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