How a Kenyan Boy Escaped Sexual Abuse

by Kupenda

How a Kenyan Boy Escaped Sexual Abuse

Last year, while one of Kupenda’s volunteers was completing a Covid-19 interview with a caregiver, he learned that her son was being sexually abused by his father, who did not live with her but whom the child visited.

Using Kupenda’s Child Case Management mobile app the volunteer was able to quickly notify our Kenyan staff about the situation and they intervened the same day.

Because the child was reluctant to share what had happened to him, our field staff contacted the Malindi Child Protection Center (CPC) for support, and they connected us to a professional therapist at Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

The therapist visited the family and began to counsel the child. Although the child has an intellectual delay and felt very shy, after three visits he was finally able to share more about what had happened to him. The counselor was then able to advise the child and his mother about how to access appropriate medical care, and legal support. She also helped them develop a safety plan to prevent future abuse.

The case is now in court and the father is being prosecuted for violating the child. The mother is grateful to have had support from Kupenda, the CPC and the CRS therapist. She feels better equipped to keep the child safe.

Kupenda is now following up with this mother and her child regularly to ensure she is accessing the care she needs and following the safety plan she’s put in place to protect her son.

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