

Moving from Single Project Success to Transformative, Systemic Change

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on October 17, 2022

This week I had the opportunity to travel to Ridgecrest, North Carolina to take part in the annual OneAccord Network Conference: an event where nearly 250 individuals from over 100 international development organizations shared their knowledge and skills and offered support to one another. I was joined by Cynthia Bauer, who is both the founder…

Philip sitting

Philip’s Journey Toward Self-Acceptance

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on October 7, 2022

Philip has always had a curious spirit and a longing to learn about the world around him. Although school helped answer many of Philip’s questions, there was one to which he could never seem to find an answer: why was he born with cerebral palsy? This question disturbed Philip for many years. Fortunately, over time,…


The Lasting Impact of Early Intervention

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on September 28, 2022

Kupenda prioritizes early intervention services for children with disabilities ages 0-5, which helps to maximize their learning, health. and behavior throughout life. These critical early childhood development (ECD) interventions are supported by a large body of research and promoted by global leaders such as UNICEF, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization. The Importance…

Marlin in front of her home

“I Have Peace of Mind and Soul”: Parenting a Child With Hydrocephalus

by Lauren Blair

  • Posted on September 15, 2022

In 2005, Zawadi gave birth to a little girl named Marlin. Instead of responding with joy, her husband responded in anger–beating Zawadi until he chased her away. This is because, soon after birth, Marlin contracted meningitis which led to hydrocephalus, a condition that causes fluid to accumulate around the brain and interfere with healthy growth…

Martin as a young boy

This Has Given Me Courage

by Sandra Bauer

  • Posted on September 8, 2022

Martin is a young boy that contracted tuberculosis as an infant. He survived the disease but was left permanently deaf and unable to speak. His only means of communication with his family were gestures, which the family did not always understand. At those times, Martin would get very frustrated. His father, a mason, and his…

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