
Emily Morrison receiving a donor appreciation gift at Kupenda’s 2019 Spring Celebration. Emily has given generously, both on her own and through her family foundation, to support children with disabilities in Kenya for more than 6 years. Hundreds of children are alive and thriving today because of her unwavering support and compassion.

How Do I Love a Body that Does not Love Itself?

by Kupenda

  • Posted on March 7, 2021

So often we write and talk about disability, but what does disability actually feel like for the people who experience it? What is their physical and social reality like on a daily basis? How does their disability shape the way they see themselves and the world? Earlier this month, one of Kupenda’s longtime friends and…

Three separate photos linked together of young Kenyan boys wearing matching maroon shirts

Panel Discussion with the 3 Kenyan Teens from our Documentary

by Kupenda

  • Posted on February 25, 2021

Earlier this month, Gordon College’s The La Vida Center for Outdoor Education hosted a screening of our documentary, followed by a panel discussion with the 3 Kenyan youth who hiked Kilimanjaro in the film! Our executive director, Kenyan director, filmmaker and hiking guide were also on the panel. Check out the discussion here: Want to keep updated on…

A pile of red hearts with a single pink heart laying atop it

What Does It Mean to Practice Love?

by Kupenda

  • Posted on February 25, 2021

“To be able to be loved is what we as humans all need to have. That is why we are called Kupenda, because Kupenda means ‘love‘ in Swahili and so many people around the world that have disabilities aren’t getting to experience that. We want to be sure that they get to be part of…

Two long rows of Kenyan boys. Three young boys in wheelchair are most prominent in the photo.

Double the Impact of Your Gifts for Just a Few More Weeks!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on February 22, 2021

We only have a few weeks left in our matching campaign and we’re 82% towards our $100,000 goal! Every dollar counts double through April 1! There are so many ways to give! You can: ·      Make an individual gift ·      Sponsor a child for just $30 / month ·      Give with a match from your employer (check out a list here) ·      Give a gift in someone’s honor…

A group of Kenyan adults sitting inside a tent, holding pens and paper

1-Minute Video On How an External Evaluation Shows the Impact of Kupenda’s Disability Trainings for Traditional Healers

by Kupenda

  • Posted on February 3, 2021

In January of 2020, Dr. Kathryn Quissell from the University of Virginia’s Department of Public Health Sciences visited Kupenda’s field office in Kenya to set up her research study on the effectiveness of our Disability Advocacy Training Program for Traditional Healers. During this visit she trained 7 interns and 5 staff members on research study…

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