Disability Advocacy

In their Own Words: 10 People Impacted by Disability and Poverty Share their Stories

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 17, 2018

25 years ago the United Nations declared October 17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  We could tell you facts and data about poverty in developing nations and how families impacted by disability often suffer more extreme poverty due to discrimination from their neighbors and local leaders – but we know you’ve heard it…

How to Help Hungry Children with Disabilities on World Food Day!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 16, 2018

Today the world is celebrating World Food Day and here at Kupenda we’re remembering all the challenges children with disabilities face – including hunger! In Kenya, many people believe if you have a disability you will never go to school, get a job, marry, or contribute to society. As a result, children with disabilities are…

Group of Kenyan women laughing outside, surrounded by greenery

Celebrating Simba and other Mothers of Children with Disabilities on Int’l Day of Rural Women

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 15, 2018

October 15 is International Day of Rural Women! Today, we stand beside the UN and our global partners in celebrating the invaluable contributions of women who live in rural, under-resourced communities and yet continue to provide for their families, care for their neighbors, and support economic growth for their nations. Among these strong women are…

Happy #World Cerebral Palsy Day from Sarafina

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 5, 2018

Today, on #WorldCPDay, we celebrate the millions of children with cerebral palsy around the world like Sarafina!   Her culture believed she was cursed and had little value because of the cerebral palsy she has due to malaria as a baby. Today, she is a happy and loved young woman, thanks to the Marafa Special…

Kupenda Expands to Sierra Leone!

by Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda Founder and Executive Director

  • Posted on September 19, 2018

Kupenda has a global vision to benefit the millions of people with disabilities in low-income countries through the provision of resources and training to organizations already involved with local people. The hope is that they can replicate our work and proactively ensure that children with disabilities have access to community, education, and medical services. One…

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