Disability Advocacy

A Kenyan mother holding a child wearing a green top.

Kupenda Loves these Moms!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on March 2, 2018

Yesterday Kupenda’s founder, Cynthia Bauer, presented about the organization’s disability advocacy work to 45 women at two Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) groups. At the end of the second presentation, the groups’ leader, Jana Hemmerly-Brown, reflected on the day saying: “This is so amazing… I was just sitting here remembering that the MOPs themes for 2018 are …

Logo for the world day of justice.

Celebrating World Day of Social Justice: Zainabu’s Story

by Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda Founder and Executive Director

  • Posted on February 20, 2018

Zainabu’s story demonstrates how Kupenda is activating government officials, local leaders, and parents to come together and improve the lives of children with disabilities in their communities. Six-year-old Zainabu does not walk or talk because of her cerebral palsy. Although her family longs to help her, their small farm plot generates less than a dollar…

A group of 8 Kenyan school boys who are in a classroom.

Thanks to You, Our Valentines

by Jessica Charles Abrams

  • Posted on February 14, 2018

I was at a party recently where the host complained that the neighborhood parents were buying their children “game boys from Cupid for Valentines Day.” My face must have shown an appropriate level of surprise because then she added “I know! My children only get Legos from Cupid!” Somehow I missed the boat on the…

World AIDS Day logo

Higher HIV Rates among People with Disabilities: A World AIDS Day Reflection

by Kupenda

  • Posted on December 1, 2017

Today, on is World AIDS Day, we remember that the HIV infection rate among people with disabilities is up to 3x as high as people without disabilities. This is due to the fact that people with disabilities are at a higher risk of violence, sexual abuse and a lack of access to legal protection, education,…

38 children and two adults holding their hands in the air.

World Orphan Day: Celebrating Kupenda’s Prevention Approach

by Kupenda

  • Posted on November 17, 2017

This week the world is celebrating International Orphans Day. At Kupenda, we join our colleagues in commemorating this special day by raising support for vulnerable young people but also by highlighting the need to prevent orphanhood in the first place. More than 70% of children with disabilities in our programs and millions more around the…

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