Disability Advocacy

Misconceptions in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care: Stories from Women Living with a Disability

Misconceptions in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care: Stories from Women Living with a Disability

by Lucie Rutherford

  • Posted on May 4, 2023

In Kenya and across the world, women with disabilities face prejudice, stigma, and discrimination in accessing sexual and reproductive health services. Misunderstandings and misconceptions by health care providers as well as inadequate facilities can lead to inequitable or ineffective care. Furaha Mariga Leonard is a 27-year-old who is deaf and has been sponsored by Kupenda…

Kenyan parents at a farming techniques training

Cultivating Self-Sufficient Communities: Kupenda Training Course Offers Important Agricultural Skills to Parents and Youth Affected by Disability

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on April 27, 2023

For children with disabilities and their parents, agricultural training provides them with more than just access to nutritional food; it also contributes to their empowerment, independence, and resilience. Across the world, individuals affected by disability have lower levels of employment, higher poverty, and less education; so here at Kupenda, we are reversing those trends by…

Addressing an Increasing Risk: Human Trafficking Among Children with Disabilities

by Lauren Blair

  • Posted on April 14, 2023

Throughout the world, children with disabilities face increased vulnerabilities, including in the arena of human trafficking. Worldwide, almost 20% of human trafficking victims are children, and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities are disproportionately affected. This is particularly evident in Kupenda’s reach area, where high tourism and poverty meet, enhancing the likelihood of trafficking. Points…

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World Health Day 2023: How Kupenda is Working Towards “Health for All”

by Lucie Rutherford

  • Posted on April 6, 2023

On the 75th anniversary of the World Health Organization, countries from all over the world will come together to celebrate World Health Day, with an emphasis on “Health for All.” As countries raise awareness about this issue, they will not only commemorate the public health successes that have improved the quality of life for millions…

Kupenda for the Children’s 20th Anniversary: Two Decades of Supporting Children with Disabilities

by Rebecca Heidorn

Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda’s Founder and CEO, always imagined that she would pursue a career in wildlife biology. In fact, when she found herself in Kilifi, Kenya for the first time, she was completing field research in pursuit of a master’s degree in applied ecology from Eastern University of Ecology. It was there, in Kilifi, that…

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