
Simon in a pink shirt and purple shorts

Transforming Challenges Into Triumph: Simon’s Remarkable Journey

by Sanjida Azad

  • Posted on August 27, 2023

When Simon was a toddler, an unexpected illness, a resulting disability, and stigma in his community left an indelible mark on his life. The intervention he received had lasting effects on his ability to walk, and he developed a pronounced limp and weakened hands. Despite the trials that followed, Simon’s family remained committed to improving…

athletes running

Challenge Yourself to Make a Change

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on July 18, 2023

Pat Blair, a long-time supporter of Kupenda, is using his athletic abilities to support children with disabilities this month! Throughout July, Pat will be running an average of a marathon (26.2 miles) per day to raise funds for Kupenda! When asked why he chooses to support Kupenda with his talents, he said, “When Adam Driscoll…

World Autistic Pride Day Logo

World Autistic Pride Day: Hadija’s Story

by Lauren Blair

  • Posted on June 16, 2023

Throughout Kupenda’s work, we often find that the greatest challenges people with disabilities encounter are not in their physical or mental conditions but in the perceptions of those around them. This is frequently the case for people with autism spectrum disorder. That is why, on June 18th, we celebrate World Autistic Pride Day. According to…

Leonard Mbonani

National Cancer Survivors Day: Positive Updates From Leonard Mbonani

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on June 9, 2023

June 6th marks National Cancer Survivors Day, a day which creates space for celebrating those who have survived cancer and inspiring those who continue in their fight with the disease. This day leads us to reflect on the cancer journey of Leonard Mbonani, Kupenda’s co-founder and Kenya director. In 2016, Leonard was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s…

Girls outside

A Cause That Everyone Can Connect To: An Interview with Kupenda Supporter, Michael Thompson

by Rebecca Heidorn

  • Posted on May 25, 2023

Many supporters experience a connection to Kupenda for the Children’s work, whether or not they are directly impacted by a disability. Kupenda’s mission to serve children with disabilities in low-income countries who are exponentially disadvantaged based on their age, economic status, and social perceptions of their disability may, for some, seem far removed. Yet the…

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