Disability Advocacy

An adult woman surrouded by 10 Kenyan teens.

Tiny Dancer in the Sand

by Jessica Charles Abrams

  • Posted on March 7, 2017

“Cindy is a Kenyan now!” Leonard echoed the sentiment of most people in the Disability Awareness Day crowd and laughed with the women dancing and shaking around her. It was our second to last day in the field and the culmination of 3 long weeks of work. The government officials, women’s groups, parents, children, and…

38 children and two adults holding their hands in the air.

Host a Spring Gathering with Kupenda!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on February 27, 2017

Want to do more to help kids with disabilities in Kenya? Bring your friends together for a small gathering with Kupenda! Your guests will have a chance to learn about the amazing kids we serve, hear our founder’s powerful story, and discover fun, easy ways to get involved in our work. We’ll provide videos, materials…

The Stand-off: Traditional Beliefs Meet Modern Medicine

by Jessica Charles Abrams

  • Posted on January 23, 2017

I admit, they made me nervous. The nine village elders and seven midwives were innocuous enough, and even the three soothsayers seemed friendly, but the four traditional healers had a dark mystery to them. When I offered almonds to the one on my right he put down his wooden cane and slowly took the nuts…

Two males and a female seated on the ground together.

Heart Training

by Kupenda

  • Posted on January 19, 2017

Jessica Charles, Kupenda’s new Development Director, reflections on moments from her first week in Kenya. We’d been there an hour when she left the table and walked across the yard. His eyes followed her with such intensity I leaned over to reassure him, “She’s coming back, don’t worry – she’s just going to get her…

An adult male standing from his seat among a group of other seated adults.

What we are grateful for as the year ends…

by Kupenda

  • Posted on December 31, 2016

Dear Friends, As we enter the new year, we are grateful for how you have helped us equip more children with disabilities to reach their God-given potential! Here are just a few highlights of what we are thankful for in 2016: 2,000 children with disabilities, families, communities, and church members directly benefiting from our services…

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