
Celebrate Disability Pride Month by Watching “Crip Camp” on Netflix

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 5, 2020

July is Disability Pride month in recognition of the signing of the 1990 American’s With Disability Act (ADA). And while we are now entering August, it is not too late to celebrate the progress that persons with disabilities have made in the United States! If you haven’t watched “Crip Camp” on Netflix this is the…

Covid-19 Emergency Response Update from Kupenda’s Executive Director

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 4, 2020

In this short video Kupenda’s Founder, Cynthia Bauer, provides an update on how our Covid-19 Emergency Response efforts are mobilizing community leaders to support children with disabilities through food relief efforts and our new child case management mobile application. Cynthia also thanks our many donors and supporters who have made this lifesaving work possible! Learn…

The Gift of Sponsorship

by Kupenda

  • Posted on July 31, 2020

Four years ago, Steve Abrams started sponsoring Tumaini Kalume, a child with cerebral palsy caused by malaria. In 2016, Tumaini’s muscles were still weak from the condition so he was unable to move himself much at all. The child’s parents also said he had no response to nonverbal communication like facial expressions, physical gestures and…

Zambian Leaders Replicate Kupenda’s Disability Outreach Model and Approaches

by Kupenda

  • Posted on July 31, 2020

Kupenda has become a role model to other organizations, leaders and families around the world. Last year we saw the impact of this example when our work inspired a Zambian social worker named Felistus to open her own organization serving children with disabilities. She called the organization Lilato Initiative for Children with Disabilities. “Lilato”, like…

A Father Shares How He Teaches His Children the Value of Giving Back

by Kupenda

  • Posted on May 15, 2020

Jim Kaniclides has been donating generously to Kupenda for the past 10 years and his company, Bank of New York (BNY) Mellon, has doubled thousands of those dollars to support our children in Kenya. Jim’s wife, Gayle, and daughter, Melina, have also been sponsoring one of our children in Kenya since 2018. Last month, I…

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