Disability Advocacy

Happy World Teacher’s Day from Kupenda’s Disability Advocates and Educators!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 4, 2019

October 5 is the United Nation’s World Teacher’s Day! Today we want to celebrate all of the teachers on Kupenda’s team who help children with disabilities access education, medical care and loving inclusion in their communities! The Kupenda family also includes several Board members with teaching experience and hundreds of community leader disability advocates, who…

Support Kupenda throughout October by Purchasing an Inspiring Children’s Book!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on October 2, 2019

By, Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda’s founder and Executive Director, Kupenda is excited to partner with the amazing authors of “Ivy the Very Determined Dog” to help raise funds and awareness for kids with disabilities in low-income countries. Throughout October, Ivy will donate $8 to Kupenda for every book sold! This book is about a little dog who lost the…

Tanzania NGO Uses Kupenda’s Pastor Training to Benefit Hundreds of Children with Disabilities

by Kupenda

  • Posted on September 30, 2019

By, Madeleine McMurray, EMFERD volunteer Disability in Tanzania In a society of deep religious conviction, the roots of disability are often seen through a  Biblical lens – though not always with compassion. For many well-meaning Tanzanians, disability is conceived of as a curse, a punishment from an angry God, and a sign of brokenness. In…

Make a Difference for Children with Disabilities in Just 30 Seconds

by Kupenda

  • Posted on June 12, 2019

Join Kupenda for the Children in calling on the United Nations and its 15 member countries to uphold disability rights and end discrimination against people with #disabilities. Join us by taking 30 seconds to sign Sightsavers petition for an  #EqualWorld 🌍 https://campaigning.sightsavers.org/  Want to keep updated with Kupenda and Kuhenza’s work? You can follow them on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And…

Children with Disabilities Overlooked for Vaccinations: How You Can Help during World Immunization Week

by Kupenda

  • Posted on April 25, 2019

World Immunization Week, the last week of April, aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease. During this important week, Kupenda remembers how children with disabilities, especially those in developing nations, are often overlooked in vaccination campaigns and by parents who believe immunizing their children with disabilities is…

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