Search Results for: counseling

Hike Kilimanjaro

KILIMANJARO TRIP BROCHUREKILIMANJARO TRIP APPLICATION The Need According to the WHO, "A billion people in the world have a disability severe enough that it limits their participation in family, community and political life." Among these, children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. The Cause Since 2003, Kupenda for…

Our Publications

The Kupenda Children's Storybook Written By, Sandra Bauer Illustrated By, Anthony Calandra The stories of three children in No Longer Left Behind demonstrate how Kupenda bridges education equity gaps for children with disabilities around the world. Set in rural Kenya, children walk eight miles to and from school every day. For Rehema, a non-disabled child,…

Our Staff Members

Kupenda’s name in Kenya is “Kuhenza for the Children’s Foundation.” Kuhenza has a Kenyan board of directors that oversees and supports the organization’s staff and operations. Kupenda and Kuhenza work side-by-side in all strategic planning and program implementation tasks, including the hire and training of the following qualified professionals who lead the organization’s field work.

Disability Advocacy Resource Center

Kupenda's Advocacy Center is located in Gede, Klifi, Kenya. This center houses our staff offices as well as our Resource Library which includes disability texts, demographical data, and documentation of our program outcomes. Some of the other resources we've developed and share through our Library include our:   Disability Handbook Kenya Disability Law Guide Program…

Pastors and Religious Leaders

Many people in Kenya, even Christian pastors, believe disabilities are caused by witchcraft or are a punishment from God. Since over 90% of Kenyans practice Christianity, pastors’ views on disability have a significant impact on views held by community members. Kupenda reaches out to these pastors by facilitating discussions focused on disabilities at meetings, workshops,…

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