
Photo of Colin Sarf, next to certificate acknowledging Newburyport's DCC Day.

Celebrating DDC Day with our long time donor and sponsor, Colin Sarff!

by Kupenda

  • Posted on September 3, 2020

Colin Sarff, a long-time donor and Child Sponsor of Kupenda, was honored in his hometown of Newburyport, Massachusetts on August 10th, 2020, through the observance of their very own Disorders of the Corpus Callosum (DCC) Awareness Day.  According to the National Organization of Disorders of the Corpus Callosum, “The corpus callosum is a band of…

Young girl smiling next to packages received from Kupenda's food relief program

Kupenda’s Response to Food Needs during Covid-19

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 25, 2020

Farida is a beautiful 15-year-old girl.  She looks much younger because of her short stature. Her family didn’t think she could go to school because of her cerebral palsy and frequent seizures. Through Kupenda’s guidance, Farida’s family enrolled her in a day school that could meet her needs. She thrived at the school until March…

Dr. Richard Wright and Mrs. Ann Wright smiling while standing on the beach.

How the Wright’s Experience Raising a Child with a Disability Inspired them to Support Kupenda for 20 Years

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 24, 2020

Dr. Richard Wright and his wife Ann have been supporting Kupenda’s work for more than 20 years. In this interview they tell us how their experience raising a daughter who is hearing impaired and their friendship with Kupenda’s founder, Cynthia Bauer, has kept them committed to our cause all these years. We are honored to…

Covid-19 Emergency Response Update from Kupenda’s Executive Director

by Kupenda

  • Posted on August 4, 2020

In this short video Kupenda’s Founder, Cynthia Bauer, provides an update on how our Covid-19 Emergency Response efforts are mobilizing community leaders to support children with disabilities through food relief efforts and our new child case management mobile application. Cynthia also thanks our many donors and supporters who have made this lifesaving work possible! Learn…

Mike Bell Reflects on His 11 Years as a Kupenda Supporter and Urges Others to Remember Vulnerable Children during Coronavirus

by Kupenda

  • Posted on March 31, 2020

Mike Bell has been supporting Kupenda for 11 years through his leadership of the nonprofit organization, Healing Nations. In this interview, Mike shares about why he believes in Kupenda’s founder, Cynthia Bauer, and why he has continued to raise support for her organization. Mike also urges others to support Kupenda, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic,…

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